About Us

Founded in 1987, VITA at UCLA is a student organization that provides free federal and state income tax filing services to low-to-moderate income, disabled, and elderly individuals in the Los Angeles community. Our mission is to help and educate people about the tax filing process and clarify any misconceptions. We strive to provide assistance to those who would otherwise go without aid. 

VITA History


COVID-19 Pandemic

With careful planning and creative thinking, UCLA VITA continued to serve the Los Angeles community in the midst of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic by providing free and accurate tax preparation services virtually via Zoom.


New 1040 Form

As part of a larger effort to help taxpayers, the IRS streamlined the Form 1040 into a shorter, simpler form. In December 2018, the IRS released the redesigned Form 1040 and six accompanying schedules for taxpayers with more complicated returns. This new Form 1040 retired the use of Form 1040-A and Form 1040-EZ for tax year 2018.


IRS Student Aid Tool

The Department of Education and the IRS collaborated to build a tool that enabled students and parents to transfer tax information from the IRS directly to their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online application, streamlining the student aid application experience.


UCLA VITA Established

UCLA VITA is a non-profit organization that has been serving the Los Angeles community since 1987. Our goal is to provide income tax return assistance to the elderly, disabled, low- to moderate-income, non-English speaking, or underserved individuals and families in the Los Angeles community. We are committed to helping UCLA staff, undergraduate and graduate students, as well as anyone in nearby communities in need of tax assistance and education.


VITA Founded

The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program was founded in 1971 by Gark Iskowitz at California State University, Northridge.


Tax Reform Act Passed

U.S. Congress passed the Tax Reform Act of 1986 to “simplify the income tax code.” The Service marked a pivotal change in the way it interacted with taxpayers by beginning the progression from paper-based filing to electronic filing.


Internal Revenue Service Created

In 1952, President Harry S. Truman called for a comprehensive reorganization of the Bureau of Internal Revenue. The agency officially became the Internal Revenue Service on July 9, 1953.